Canada's Regions

Canada is the second largest country on earth--10 million square kilometres. Three oceans line Canada's frontiers--the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Atlantic Ocean in the east, and the Arctic Ocean to the north. Along the southern edge of Canada lies the Canada-United States boundary. Both Canada and the USA are committed to a safe, secure and efficient frontier.
The Regions of Canada
Canada includes many different geographical areas and five distinct regions.
- The Atlantic Provinces
- Ontario and Quebec
- The Prairie Provinces
- The West Coast
- The Northern Territories
The National Capital
Ottawa, located on the Ottawa River, was chosen as the capital in 1857 by British Queen Victoria. Today it is Canada's fourth largest metropolitan area. The National Capital Region, 4,700 sq. km. surrounding Ottawa, preserves and enhances the area's built heritage and natural environment.
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All content on this website is presented for educational purposes and as a teaching resource, in fair use and copyrights to its respective owners. Discover Canada and A Look at Canada © Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2009. All images and multimedia copyright to their respective owners.
Quick Guide to Canada
What every Canadian citizen and immigrants who seek citizenship must know.