The Constitutional British Monarchy

The British declared their colony Canada to be a constitutional monarchy. As a result, Canada's Head of State is the hereditary British Queen or King called the Sovereign. The Sovereign has a non-partisan role and is the focus of citizenship and allegiance. As Head of the Commonwealth, the British Sovereign links Canada symbolically to 52 other former British colonies.
There is a clear distinction in Canada between the head of state -- the British Queen or King -- and the head of government -- the Prime Minister, who actually directs the governing of the country.
The British Queen or King is represented in Canada by the Governor General, who is appointed by the Sovereign on the advice of the Prime Minister, usually for five years. In each of the ten provinces the Sovereign is represented by the Lieutenant Governor, who is appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister, also normally for five years.
The interplay between the three branches of government - the Executive, Legislative and Judicial - which work together but also sometimes in creative tension, helps to secure the rights and freedoms of Canadians.
Each provincial and territorial government has an elected legislature where provincial and territorial laws are passed. The members of the legislature are called members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs), members of the National Assembly (MNAs), members of the Provincial Parliament (MPPs), or members of the House of Assembly (MHAs), depending on the province or territory.
In each province, the Premier has a role similar to that of the Prime Minister in the federal government, just as the Lieutenant Governor has a role similar to that of the Governor General. In the three territories, the Commissioner represents the federal government and plays a ceremonial role.
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