Serving Canada

There is no compulsory military service in Canada. However, serving in the regular Canadian Forces (navy, army and air force) is a great way to contribute to Canada and an excellent career choice (
You can serve in your local part-time navy, militia or air reserves and gain valuable experience, skills and contacts. Young people can learn discipline, responsibility and skills by getting involved in the cadets (
You may also serve in the Coast Guard or emergency services in your community such as a police force or fire department.
By helping to serve your community, you follow in the footsteps of many Canadians before you.
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All content on this website is presented for educational purposes and as a teaching resource, in fair use and copyrights to its respective owners. Discover Canada and A Look at Canada © Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2009. All images and multimedia copyright to their respective owners.
Quick Guide to Canada
What every Canadian citizen and immigrants who seek citizenship must know.