English Canadians and French Canadians

Early European colonists stemmed from English and French civilizations, making today's Canadian society influenced by their heritage.
English and French languages are used in the day-to-day life for most people and are the country's official languages. The federal government is required by law to provide services throughout Canada in English and French.
Today, there are 18 million Anglophones -- people who speak English as a first language -- and 7 million Francophones -- people who speak French as their first language. While the majority of Francophones live in the province of Quebec, one million Francophones live in Ontario, New Quebecers are the people of Quebec, the vast majority French-speaking. Most are descendants of 8,500 French colonists from the 1600s and 1700s and maintain their identity, culture and language.
The House of Commons recognized in 2006 that Quebecois form a nation within a united Canada. One million Anglo-Quebecers have a heritage of 250 years and form a distinct part of the Quebec fabric.
The basic way of life in English-speaking areas was established by hundreds of thousands of English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish colonists, soldiers and migrants from the 1600s to the 20th century. Anglophones (English speakers) are generally referred to as English Canadians.
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